가야고분군을 세계유산으로
Gaya Tumuli Authenticity



   The seven nominated cemeteries meet the conditions of authenticity in terms of form and design, materials and substance, and location and setting.

Excavation at the nominated property has been conducted to the minimal possible extent and only for academic purposes by expert institutes. The excavations conducted to date have confirmed the authenticity of the burial structures, burial-mound construction methods, and building materials. Repair work at the nominated property and around its setting is conducted by nationally licensed heritage repairers and only in manners that will not impact its OUV. It is based on the findings of archaeological research and takes place only after a thorough analysis of the original form, structure, material, and construction methods.

The seven nominated cemeteries have never been transferred from the site of their original construction. Although the wider setting of the nominated property has evolved to a certain extent, there has been little change in its location and topography, the major attributes conveying the OUV of the nominated property.